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You’ve heard of wind chimes, and you’ve certainly seen them as a commonplace decoration in almost every garden in the world. Did you know, though, that wind chimes originated primarily as a spiritual healing instrument? If you’re hoping to attract more positive energy and healing into your everyday life, read on to find out how you can use wind chimes to do so!

To magnify the positive effects of wind chimes, consider setting an intention before you hang them. Intention setting can be as simple as holding your chime and reciting a positive mantra or desire for a few minutes while imagining your energy flowing into the chime. For instance, you can say a mantra like, ‘bring in positive energy’ or ‘fill the surroundings with good luck, prosperity and positivity.’

The gentle vibrations produced by the chimes can help clear your mind, balance your chakras, promote healing, promote relaxation and increase your vibrational frequency. So make it a habit to sit in stillness near the chime (but not directly under) and consciously listening to the sounds products. This in itself can be a powerful meditative activity.

A common practice in high-quality wind chimes, which are also usually hung so the centre ball strikes the centre of the wind chime's length, also resulting in the loudest sounding fundamental. Frequency is determined by the length, width, thickness, and material. There are formulas that help predict the proper length to achieve a particular note, though a bit of fine tuning is often needed.

Most chimes employ pentatonic or tetratonic scales as the basis for the pitches of their individual chimes as opposed to the traditional western heptatonic scale. This is largely due to the fact that these scales inherently contain fewer dissonant intervals, and therefore sound more pleasant to the average listener when notes are struck at random.

In instruments such as organ pipes, the pitch is determined primarily by the length of the air column, because it is the resonance of the air column that generates the sound. The pipe material helps determine the "timbre" or "voice" of the pipe, but the air column determines the pitch. In a wind chime, the vibrations of the pipe itself radiate the sound after being struck, so the air column has little to do with the pitch being produced.

Sound can be produced when the tubes or rods come in contact with a suspended central clapper in the form of a ball or horizontal disk, or with each other.

Wind chimes may be used to observe changes in wind direction, depending on where they are hung when they commence to sound.

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Chakra Windchime small
Chakra windchime Large
Solfeggio Windchime small
Solfeggio Windchime medium
Solfeggio Windchime large

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